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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most of us will have been pointed in the direction of a dental hygienist at some stage in our lives, normally by a dentist who has completed a thorough scale and polish. If you’ve been putting off your hygiene appointment because you think it won’t achieve anything a scale and polish can’t, think again. We’re here to shed some light on the treatment you can expect from a professional hygiene appointment at New Road Dental.

Who is a Dental Hygienist?
A Dental Hygienist is a licensed dental professional whom has specifically trained to be able to provide advice and services in the area of dental hygiene. They are mainly concerned with preventative dental health, but also with treating gum disease and associated problems such as bad breath.

Why would I need to see a Dental Hygienist?
It is likely that you’ll have been advised to see a hygienist by your dentist. There’s a number of reasons why you may need to see your hygienist, one of which is just to maintain your current standard of oral health. Many people will be referred to the dental hygienist because the dentist has recognised a significant amount of plaque and tartar build up. This may not seem like much of a problem, however if this build up is left, it can cause gum disease, decay, bone loss or eventually tooth loss.

What happens in a hygiene appointment?
Our hygienist will first ask you a couple of questions and take note of any concerns you may have regarding your oral health; they’ll also review your dentist’s notes. Following this, they will complete their own initial assessment and advise you how best to look after your teeth moving forward. For example there may be certain areas which you are accidental missing when brushing or perhaps you could benefit from a toothpaste with a higher fluoride content.
The hygienist will then continue to thoroughly clean your teeth, spending time removing plaque between your teeth and erasing light stains. Before you leave, you’ll receive some advice on the frequency in which you should be attending a hygiene appointment; we would recommend that this is twice a year at minimum.

Do I have to attend a hygiene appointment?
We will always advise you on the correct dental care for your individual needs, and this may include regular dental hygiene appointments. It is however completely your choice as to whether you follow our advice. Please be aware that ignoring this advice and allowing plaque to build up may cause serious dental problems later in life. Furthermore it is likely that these problems will require a larger treatment which could be fairly costly.

If you would like to book a hygiene appointment, please call the practice on 01527 872528.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]