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SmileFast Services in Worcestershire

SmileFast Revolutionised

Smile Makeovers Revolutionised

We’re very proud to be able to help our patients achieve their dream smile and, consequently, improve their self-confidence. Although dental treatments are often sought for health reasons, many of our patients comment on the outstanding aesthetic results. They realise just how many opportunities they’ve been missing out on because of damaged or missing teeth. We’re here to help you feel like you again. 

At New Road Dental, we treat every patient as an individual. We like to take time to get to know you and understand your individual requirements. When you visit the practice for the first time our experienced team will conduct a thorough oral health check, allowing them to identify any areas of concern before recommending suitable treatments that will help you to achieve your dream smile.


What is SmileFast?

SmileFast is the ground-breaking new development in Smile Design, Trial Smile preview, Refinement of the smile and Smile Makeovers.

SmileFast helps patients by guiding you through the treatment planning, allowing you to visualise your planned new smile, understand the journey and then deliver the life-changing results.

How does SmileFast Work?

There are many possibilities to give you the smile of your dreams and so SmileFast helps you choose which option may be best for you.

A SmileFast accredited dentist will listen and understand what you are trying to achieve, design your perfect smile, allow you to ‘test drive’ the smile before finally delivering your new smile.

Step 1

SmileFast design and consultation.

A digital scan / impressions and photographs will be taken of your teeth. Using this information your new smile will be designed and a digital image will be created for you to approve.

Smilefast Treatment in Worcestershire
Smilefast Treatment in Worcestershire
Step 2

Smile refine.

Your new trial smile will be physically placed over your current teeth using temporary material for you to see your smile in real life. Any final tweaks and adjustments can be made to your smile to ensure a perfect next step.

Step 3

SmileFast direct.

Your new smile will be fitted in one appointment, the process is pain free using minimally invasive techniques to deliver your dream smile.

Smilefast Treatment in Worcestershire
Benefits of SmileFast:

SmileFast will help visualise and perfect your smile before it is fitted.

It can be used to close gaps between teeth.

Very little, if any, of your natural tooth is removed.

SmileFast reduces the amount of time you spend in the chair for treatment.

No pain or discomfort, treatment is gentle and carries minimal risk to your natural tooth.


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At New Road Dental, we’re proud to be an accredited Enlighten Professional Tooth Whitening Centre. Using the Enlighten system, we are able to achieve the whitest shade shown on a dental shade guide, VITA shade B1, something that no-other system can guarantee.
If you’ve found yourself with a crooked smile, or perhaps a small discolouration is making you feel conscious then veneers could be the answer to your problems.

SmileFast FAQs

Veneers are a bit like the teeth’s equivalent of false nails. They can enhance the shape, colour and size of your teeth to give you a fuller, whiter and more balanced smile. They are essentially thin ‘covers’ made from either a ceramic or composite material which is then placed on top of the natural and existing tooth or teeth, and they are designed to give you a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Composite is a resin reinforced with glass particles and has been used as ‘white fillings’ for many years in Dentistry. New technologies now allow dentists to use this same material for your front teeth, and they can transform your smile with very minimal underlying tooth surface preparation. Composite is an excellent choice for those on a reduced budget and for those people who just need some minimal tooth enhancement, be it in size, shape or even colour. It certainly does help if you complete some home-tooth whitening before composite placement, as that way your dentist will be able to get your teeth as healthy looking as possible before the composite resin is placed. The Smile Fast Direct system allows your dentist to exactly copy the same shape and size of the teeth you will have already trialled at the Refine stage of treatment, so you can be assured that the final composite smile you get is the same as what you have already agreed upon.

Ceramics are a family of glass-like materials which can be made to resemble natural teeth. This process is completed by a skilled technician and is made outside of the mouth in a dental laboratory. Ceramics are then bonded to the surfaces of your teeth using a dental cement. This allows your dentist to enhance the shape, size and colour of your teeth to create the perfect smile. Ceramics are stronger than composite and they allow for more complex treatments and can be the preferred treatment choice in more challenging situations. They are more costly than the composite option, but they also last longer too.

‘Composite bonding’, ‘Composite veneers’ and ‘Composite edge bonding’ are all terms used interchangeably in Dentistry and more-or-less mean the same thing.

Composite is a dental material more often known as ‘white fillings’ and has been used for many years in Dentistry. It is made from a resin, reinforced with glass particles, and has a variety of uses. Modern ‘cosmetic’ dental procedures use this composite resin to improve the way your teeth look by adding the composite to your natural teeth, shaping it, then setting it hard with a high-intensity blue light. After polishing it looks like natural teeth and can give you a perfect smile.

There are two materials used for veneering teeth, being composite and ceramic.

Composite is a beautiful material that is bonded to your teeth and can create a lovely natural result. Composite can last very well, however this is dependent on how well you follow the aftercare guidance. Composite does require more maintenance than ceramics as it is not as strong, and therefore there are some clinical situations where this material may not be a suitable option. On average a composite can last approximately 7 years.

Ceramic veneers are more expensive but do last longer as they are a stronger material compared to composite. They are made by a skilled ceramic technician in a dental laboratory and then precisely fitted to your teeth by your dentist. Due to the enhanced properties of ceramic material, they can achieve things that composite is unable to, allowing more flexibility and a greater range of uses within dental treatment. We would expect a life-span of 10-15 years from your ceramic veneers.

The longevity of a SmileFast makeover can be impacted and affected by each individual’s aftercare. There are various factors that can significantly decrease the life span of a composite veneer. These reasons are:

• Diet – if you eat or drink foods such as beetroot, red wine or curry regularly, the composite can get severely stained over time and may need replacing in the future. Ceramics will be less affected by dietary substances
• Smoking – as with natural teeth, both ceramics and composite can also stain from smoking over time, even with regular hygiene visits.
• Trauma- If you were to unfortunately suffer any trauma to the mouth due to an accident or taking up hobbies such as boxing, then your new restorations may be at risk of breaking or chipping.

Most modern dental treatments are completed using dental anaesthetic which, once carefully administered, will mean that there is no pain at all throughout the procedure. After treatment is completed, you may get some slight sensitivity which may last for a few days, but your dentist will go through all these details with you beforehand and well before any planned appointments. Making sure you are fully informed, well-supported, comfortable and ready to receive your perfect new smile is very important to the SmileFast family.

After smile makeover treatments it is advised to have a soft diet for approximately 2 weeks whilst you get used to the new shape and feel of your teeth. During this 2-week period it is advised that the following foods are avoided to ensure no trauma or staining damages your new veneers:

• Beetroot
• Turmeric
• Red Wine
• Be cautious when eating hard foods such a apples or pizza crust.

*Remember, if it would stain a white T-shirt then it is likely to stain your veneers*