Pain-Free Root Canal Worcestershire
Enjoy a pain-free root canal experience in Worcestershire. Trust our expert dentists to deliver fast, gentle care for your complete comfort and restored smile.
Professional Root Canal Solutions for Your Comfort
When a tooth is decayed, fractured, or has been the subject of repeated dental treatment, its root canal is at greater risk of becoming infected. This infection will be painful, but with Root Canal Treatment Worcestershire, a dentist with the right skills can treat it quickly and save the tooth. People often try to ignore the initial infection; however, if left untreated, it can lead to the formation of a nasty abscess, and consequently, the tooth will die.
Could I require root canal treatment? What should I do next?
At New Road Dental, our experienced emergency root canal dentists provide efficient treatment, often completing it in just one or two sessions. We use local anaesthesia to ensure your comfort during the procedure, so you won’t experience pain—only mild sensitivity afterward. If the sensitivity becomes bothersome, over-the-counter pain relievers can help, and it should subside naturally within 12-24 hours.
If you’re suffering with an abscess or you’ve been experiencing pain that just doesn’t seem to be going away, we would highly recommend visiting the team of emergency dentists at New Road Dental, Bromsgrove. Remember, a root canal treatment can often be the difference between keeping a tooth or losing it.
Our Patients and what they have to say

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Preventative Dentistry
We all understand the importance of brushing our teeth regularly, but are we doing it right? Perfecting your brushing technique will put you on the right path to achieving and maintaining good oral health. . Small changes made when adopting a thorough cleaning technique into our daily lives will contribute to the prevention of dental complications in the future. Our team of experienced dentists have undergone hundreds of hours of training and professional development to be able to share knowledge with you that may just be the difference between keeping or losing your teeth as you grow older.
We look forward to welcoming you to New Road Dental and helping you achieve a healthy, confident smile!